3 weeks since my Blendtec arrived, I bought mine from
harvest essentials they offer the wild side container (larger 96oz) for $50 extra. I bought this because I thought it would be nice, turned out that the regular size is way to small and I have never used it. If I had to do it again I would pay the $40 for just the wild side size and pay the $50 extra for another one. A 96oz container is essential to pack the blender full of food.
Ensure you pack the blender correctly, I didn't' the first time and my green drink was steaming and I thought the blendtec was a piece of crap. If you read the manual it will tell you how to properly pack the blender. I always add water at least 12 ounces, it makes life much easier. Start with the hard fruit first, carrots, apples etc. then I add the green leafs then the fruit. I add the powders in the middle and frozen blueberries last to ensure the drink is cold. If you are used to juicing it will be thicker but if you drink protein shakes you won't notice a difference.
The blendtec is awesome, it keeps track of the number of blends mine is at 72. The only problem is I can't put everything in that i want, so I have elected to have 2 per day. I look at it as a system, just like a bug out bag, I can't cram everything I might ever need into a bag that will weigh 200lbs and expect to walk to California. Like wise you can't put your days worth of veggies and fruit into one shake.
I have split my shakes into 2 groups. The morning group is all about Kale, the afternoon shake is all about Spinach. That way I can ensure to cram all the veggies and fruit I want into the 2 shakes, on a side note I really haven't noticed any loss of muscle mass, or real loss in strength. One huge benefit I have noticed is the cleansing effect on my body, when I have bowel movements I can literally feel my intestines being cleaned out, awesome. All the toxins in the body (fluoride in the water, pollution, radiation etc) are leaving. It is a wild feeling and I pretty sure I'm not going to have colon cancer.
The Blendtec has huge upfront costs but if you search the house for lots of ebay and craigslist items, in a couple of weeks you'll have enough to buy the blender, that is what I did, Operation Victory Sweep. Follow the Army Troop Leading Procedures and you will have success. IT IS WORTH IT.
Using a blendtec is an art form and it will take you a week or 2 to really perfect the craft of loading the contents correctly to get the consistency that best suits your taste buds (recipe below video).
My recipes:
Kale Shake (morning, listed in the order I place them in the blendtec)
16oz water
2 carrots
1 apple
1/2 cucumber
1 piece of pineapple
1tsp cordyceps mushrooms, shiitake mushrooms, milk thistle
2tbsp fresh flax seeds (I grind them myself)
Amazing Grass
1c blueberries
Spinach (afternoon)
16oz water
grapes w/seeds
1 apple
1 carrot
1 orange
1 piece of pineapple
1tsp cordyceps mushrooms, shiitake mushrooms, milk thistle
2tbsp fresh flax seeds (I grind them myself)
Amazing Grass
2 scoops protein powder
1c blueberries
2tbsp braggs apple cider vinegar
Break Your Plateau