Saturday, May 7, 2011

Chest Workout Update

In sticking with strong man lifts on the Bravo workout day, I've been racking my brain for a strong man chest exercise.  Today at the gym after heavy dumbbells and hammer strength machine I thought of it (not sure if it would qualify as an actual strong man lift) plyo push ups. 

The last 2 exercise of the workout:

1.  place two 5lb weights in front of  where my hands would normally go for push ups, then push up and jump to the left ensuring the opposite hand hits where the 5lb weight is, then push up and jump back to center then to the right etc for 15 reps then 5 regular push ups (3 sets)

2.  I took the bumper 45lbs plates, stacked up 1 on each side and did 16 (2 count) push ups.  Narrow on the ground then jump up to the plate for a wide deep dip push up then back to the ground repeat.  Next stack up 2 plates 16 (2 count) next 3 plates 16 (2 count) then superset from 3 plates to 2 to 1 and max reps on each.  Platforms will work better than plates (6in, 12in and 18in).

I am always unsure if my ideas are hard or if I am just a pussy...good thing I have 10 2LTs that are going to be my guinea pigs on Monday.  This is crucial to ensure I keep pushing myself and Break My Plateau


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